well what a busy start to the new student year, september seemd like only yesterday but its been 2months since the start of the year and wow how times wizzes past yeh, ive kept the cold bugs at bay and in two weeks time iam on me holls going to scarbrough with people i know from my local pub should be a good week as ive never been on a holiday with my local they have had a few trips but ive always timed being able to go just at the wrong time but this year ive managed to not have anyother holls planned near the pubs holls
iam on a kinda detox for 2 weeks as i know ill be putting some ale down me neck that week and eat a bit as well, as we'll be in good old yorkshire they should be some good real ale pubs aruond so yorkshire folk be ready for us lot as we'll drink yeh dry or at least have a good go at it anyway
what horrible weather we've been having again, the last 2 weekends ive not had chance to do much outdoor stuff at all and iam starting to get a bit pissed off with it all, i dont mind a bit of rain from time to time but its been constant i want to get me car ready for winter and finish a couple of little jobs on my car ive been putting off as well but all this rain you cant do sod all,
here is a pic taken last week of a great sunset when i was at work least this will make you think we have some sun, have a goodun and stay safe
iam on a kinda detox for 2 weeks as i know ill be putting some ale down me neck that week and eat a bit as well, as we'll be in good old yorkshire they should be some good real ale pubs aruond so yorkshire folk be ready for us lot as we'll drink yeh dry or at least have a good go at it anyway
what horrible weather we've been having again, the last 2 weekends ive not had chance to do much outdoor stuff at all and iam starting to get a bit pissed off with it all, i dont mind a bit of rain from time to time but its been constant i want to get me car ready for winter and finish a couple of little jobs on my car ive been putting off as well but all this rain you cant do sod all,
here is a pic taken last week of a great sunset when i was at work least this will make you think we have some sun, have a goodun and stay safe