what a rubbish week its been weather wise ive needed to do stuff outside but every time ive gone and try to do a job its suddenly chucked it down, just hope the weekend is better might go for a day out somewhere it will either be dovedale or the coast as iam ready for a day away from nottingham,
think also what has made this week worse is its been so rubbish at work nothing what so ever to do its so quiet and with the atruim closing for 3 weeks it will be even worse as we have no conferences booked or anything , so think a pack of cards and a couple of good books will be needed for the next month
but last night i enjoyed a pint or 2 at me local and a kebab on the way home not been tothe pub for ages and the kebab was nice as well i chucked loads of cheese on it and chilli sauce a nice end to the evening i say
iam getting back into playing me x box a bit lately now ive completed gta 4 and now playing halo 3 and getting quite into it but think i need a rethink on this level iam stuck on but i suppose ill crack it also i treated myself to call of duty 4 modern warfare ive heard loads of good things about it so the next couple of weeks ill be blasting through that and be intresting to see the online gaming options are like, as iam hooked on playing online tiger woods golf online at the moment, iam not great but not totaly crap either think if it dose chuck it down ill be trying to get a bit better on golf
righty i best get me arse into gear as i need to pop into town before work and pick a couple of things up so stay safe as there are still loads of nutters about
think also what has made this week worse is its been so rubbish at work nothing what so ever to do its so quiet and with the atruim closing for 3 weeks it will be even worse as we have no conferences booked or anything , so think a pack of cards and a couple of good books will be needed for the next month
but last night i enjoyed a pint or 2 at me local and a kebab on the way home not been tothe pub for ages and the kebab was nice as well i chucked loads of cheese on it and chilli sauce a nice end to the evening i say
iam getting back into playing me x box a bit lately now ive completed gta 4 and now playing halo 3 and getting quite into it but think i need a rethink on this level iam stuck on but i suppose ill crack it also i treated myself to call of duty 4 modern warfare ive heard loads of good things about it so the next couple of weeks ill be blasting through that and be intresting to see the online gaming options are like, as iam hooked on playing online tiger woods golf online at the moment, iam not great but not totaly crap either think if it dose chuck it down ill be trying to get a bit better on golf
righty i best get me arse into gear as i need to pop into town before work and pick a couple of things up so stay safe as there are still loads of nutters about