well been a while again since my last post had lots to say but dont know where to start with it all and time to a certain degree, as ive been quite busy with work and at times my scoial life has been busy, whats happened since my last posting, well money wise iam good iam busy paying my dad back what i owe him already payed 1600 quid off so by the end of the year i should be debt free,
iam now making my monthly wage last me till the end of the month now and even saving each month which ive not done for 5 years or so and its a good feeling to be able to save even if its just a little, and when it comes to not being able to affrod to do things with freiends iam no longer amashmed in telling them i can not aford it i just dont go out, which makes me again feel loads better,
my drinking is okay ive decied not to stop but have one good night out a week then one night in the week ill drop in to the pub for 2 pints and iam quite happy that ive worked out why i was drinking for and now ive opened up to friends and family about my problems i dont need to hide behind drink and the last coupel of months have been thebest of my life for a long time
me and joann are still together and with it being valentines day soon ive got her a nice supirse nothing to major but its enough to say how i feel about her cant belive its almost a year and a half we been together now and still going strong
i also cant belive how quick 2011 is going i was only celebrating new year in with frinds at the local 5 mins ago now its febuary already and before you know it another year gone i have lots of things planned for 2011 as last year was a bit of a washout with lack of days out but will post about them later on
iam now making my monthly wage last me till the end of the month now and even saving each month which ive not done for 5 years or so and its a good feeling to be able to save even if its just a little, and when it comes to not being able to affrod to do things with freiends iam no longer amashmed in telling them i can not aford it i just dont go out, which makes me again feel loads better,
my drinking is okay ive decied not to stop but have one good night out a week then one night in the week ill drop in to the pub for 2 pints and iam quite happy that ive worked out why i was drinking for and now ive opened up to friends and family about my problems i dont need to hide behind drink and the last coupel of months have been thebest of my life for a long time
me and joann are still together and with it being valentines day soon ive got her a nice supirse nothing to major but its enough to say how i feel about her cant belive its almost a year and a half we been together now and still going strong
i also cant belive how quick 2011 is going i was only celebrating new year in with frinds at the local 5 mins ago now its febuary already and before you know it another year gone i have lots of things planned for 2011 as last year was a bit of a washout with lack of days out but will post about them later on