
Saturday iam going to have the house to myself and going to have a nite in watch a coupel of dvd's eat a load of junk food and generaly be a pig,

today is the 1st time since moving back to nottingham ive been into a supermarket, and its been 6 months since ive been back in nottingham as well, goodness knows how ive not managed not to go into a supermarket before now but hey, and on sat when iam going to pig out i will get one of tescos cream sponge thingys with the jam init, when i used to live in chelmsford i used to get 1 for me and the exgirlfirend to share, but if she was working a late shift and i got the sponge cake thingy before she got home she hardly never got any cos i gobbeld it all before she came home,

and by the way iam feeling much better now as well think the cold is starting to go so by saturady ill be all okay

i best get some more work done, so you all stay safe out there