this is my fav word at the moment i called a few people today a smeghead even my boss but he just burst out laughhing and i found out he was a red dwarf fan, but hey ive had a right old smeg of a day thats why iam pissed right now and this post has taken me twice as long to write cos ive been making so many smeging spelling mistakes,
well i woke up in a right old mood this morning or shall i say yesterday morning wednesday moring, i overlayed big time i wasnt late for work as i work 2-10 but i had a few things to do but i just layed i was in my bed listening to the radio and though oh fuck i should of been up 3 hours ago as ive got loads of computer work to sort i got up felt smegging crap even a cuppa tea didnt wake me up
iam storming around the house i was hungry but didnt know what to have to eat by time i knew what i wanted i just had time for a omlet with blue stilton and onion and fryed spam, ill tell you about my spam advantures later made my packed lunch and went to work still in a shitty mood,
people kept asking me if i was okay as i dont normaly show my bad moods but today i just was a bad ass, ive had a bit to deal with today at work as they have been a couple of conferences to deal with and the people involved have been indian students, dont get me wrong they are normaly okay, but today they have been a pain in the smegging arse
when i asked them to leave a room so i can lock the building they wouldnt move so a couple of cross words and security to boot there smegging arsed out i locked up the builing, why oh why couldnt the just of moved when i i asked then there wouldnt of been any trouble but being indian students they can be smeg heads things were dealt with and even left work late but all sorted in the end
i think iam of to bed as iam drunk and tied so dont let the smeg heads get you down just twonk them
well i woke up in a right old mood this morning or shall i say yesterday morning wednesday moring, i overlayed big time i wasnt late for work as i work 2-10 but i had a few things to do but i just layed i was in my bed listening to the radio and though oh fuck i should of been up 3 hours ago as ive got loads of computer work to sort i got up felt smegging crap even a cuppa tea didnt wake me up
iam storming around the house i was hungry but didnt know what to have to eat by time i knew what i wanted i just had time for a omlet with blue stilton and onion and fryed spam, ill tell you about my spam advantures later made my packed lunch and went to work still in a shitty mood,
people kept asking me if i was okay as i dont normaly show my bad moods but today i just was a bad ass, ive had a bit to deal with today at work as they have been a couple of conferences to deal with and the people involved have been indian students, dont get me wrong they are normaly okay, but today they have been a pain in the smegging arse
when i asked them to leave a room so i can lock the building they wouldnt move so a couple of cross words and security to boot there smegging arsed out i locked up the builing, why oh why couldnt the just of moved when i i asked then there wouldnt of been any trouble but being indian students they can be smeg heads things were dealt with and even left work late but all sorted in the end
i think iam of to bed as iam drunk and tied so dont let the smeg heads get you down just twonk them