these last couple of weeks ive been tracking down old school friend by using facebook and found quite a few, ive also found one of my best friends who i 1st started school with in 1985 we both started on the same day we were in the same class till we left school in 1992 we also shared the same unit and bed room as we both borded at school
ive not seen my old mate since july 1992 and yesterday i went to meet him, i was a little suprized as i rememebr him being very skiny and he was smaller than me, but when i saw him yestersay he stood taller than me at 6ft 1ins he still was paralized down his right side but that has not stopped him making something out of his life
he went to collage to learn about gardening and he worked as a gardener untill last year, he own's his own house and is very indipendent he can almost do every normal every day things apart from his ironing but if you saw him when he was 5 years old and to see him now its quite an achevement to what he has done,
anyway when i saw him yesterday and to say we havnt seen each other for 15 years it was like we were never been apart, we spoke for a few hours catching up on each others life and now ive got back in touch hopefuly we'll never lose touch again, ive been asked to stop over in lincoln one sat nite so we can go out for a few beers which will be fun
i have found some old school pics and ill post them up here at a later date laters all and stay safe
ive not seen my old mate since july 1992 and yesterday i went to meet him, i was a little suprized as i rememebr him being very skiny and he was smaller than me, but when i saw him yestersay he stood taller than me at 6ft 1ins he still was paralized down his right side but that has not stopped him making something out of his life
he went to collage to learn about gardening and he worked as a gardener untill last year, he own's his own house and is very indipendent he can almost do every normal every day things apart from his ironing but if you saw him when he was 5 years old and to see him now its quite an achevement to what he has done,
anyway when i saw him yesterday and to say we havnt seen each other for 15 years it was like we were never been apart, we spoke for a few hours catching up on each others life and now ive got back in touch hopefuly we'll never lose touch again, ive been asked to stop over in lincoln one sat nite so we can go out for a few beers which will be fun
i have found some old school pics and ill post them up here at a later date laters all and stay safe