think its time for some old childhood memoreys, when i was a kid i had a best mate called ben, he lived in bulwell but when he was aroond 14 he went to a normal mainstreem comp school, well when he went to a normal comp school he started to get in a little bit of trouble not bad but was enough,
at our age of a mere 14 years old we got a bit adventurous one of the things we did were go try and get into old and empty buildings we started by chucking stones at windows and the like but i knew this was wrong and didnt do this as much as my mate was, as kids you stop at each others houses and he invited me to stop at his for the purpos to come back to said building at night time and break in and just cause a bit of trouble,
with me being me i said i had other things to do and went home, i did so and the next morning i went to see if i could come round his mum said he'd been grounded cos him and another mate got caught breaking into a building last nite the both got a caution and a good telling off by his parents, and i avoded getting into trouble like this quite a bit,
quite lucky realy that i was never in trouble with the cops graduly me and my mate lost touch but i did bump into him a few years later when i was about 20, and he hadnt done much with his life he was on the drugs and ive not seen him since, i do hope he is okay as we were good mates think ill have to use facebook to track him down
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