mr doner is a goner

yes the creator of the kebab sadly passed away at the weekend, and he was a turkish man mahmut ayglin, who lived in germany, he had a idea in march of 1971 when he used to work at a snack bar he served customers a dish that constisted of a mix or roasted lamb and spices traditionally eaten with rice and could be served differnetly ,

he thought how easier it would be if the customers could take there meal away with them so on 2nd march 1972 in his snack bar he became the 1st person to serve the meat in a pitta bread, and from there the name doner kebab it what it is today, he was such a culinary genius he even was credited with inviting the yoghurt sauce witch became the doners hallmark,

in the world there are many variations of the doner kebab some i like and some i dont like my lest favioute is when they give you a doner in a pitta bread i much more like my doner in a form of a nan bread, with doner meat lecuice cucumber with chilli sauce a few chips and plently of cheese all wraped up, not a better tasting sensation in the world i think


Biddie said...

I love donairs. (doner?? They do have different names, but they are the same) It is so hard to find a good one these days.
Whenever Shawn asks me out for dinner, that is my 1st choice!

farmer dave said...

think my local takeaway is about one of the best where i live for a kebab, the guys there give me so much meat and what ever in my kebab its quite easy enough for 2 people to eat, but when it comes to sauce iam still not sure which i prefer either garlic or mild chilli sauce

Biddie said...

Chilli sauce? I have never even heard of that on a doner! I should tell Shawn, that sounds like something that he would love :)

The Preacherman said...

Oh no!!!!!! This is the biggest tragedy since the crucifixion...worse even...he came back!!!

RIP to a true hero!!!!!!

farmer dave said...

i did have a kebab on friday eve and thought how mr doner must of felt in 1972 when he had the 1st kebab

Cynnie said...

i want one now :(

farmer dave said...

lol my mouth is watering for one at the mo even tho i had a bit of pizza earlyer