bank holiday madness backend of winter

well here is another bank holiday easter infact normaly when i comes to bank holidays i dont bother going anywhere as on the roads its chaos they blocked up as everyone wants to get out and about and there also blocked or closed by numptys crashing into each other or something or the other,

this bank holiday iam staying put doing a couple of jobs around the house get me veg plot ready and have a bit of a rest ill be goign to help me dad replace some of his windows and watch plently of telly with some xbox time as well, the last bank holiday i went away somewhere i got my car wrote off in quite a major accident that will be another story for another time

one thing which ive found intresting are the storys about how crap this weekend is going to be weather wise yeah yeah we have rain high winds and maybe a little bit of snow all i can say is hey people it is the back end of winter and yeah there is still a bit of bad weather still to come even tho we are now in spring but only just in spring so yeah for the next week or so we will see some wintery weather happening just live with if

there will be other bank holidays to go away with and on monday i will be venturing out but ill not have to deal with the other nutters as when iam setting off on monday morning most people will have gotten to there destination or just not bothering iam only going to skeggy with the girlfriend for the day but be nice to get away be a hour and a half drive and we'll be at the seaside weather permitting

anyway iam off to bed as its calling me big tme its all ive seem to of done this week while ive been off work sick but ive got next week off as holiday from work fingers crossed iam all fit and back to full steam as these last two weeks have been horrid but i think iam over the worse of it now, if your out and about this weekend stay safe out there as its going to be chaos