
went to the big wok on sat night with a couple of friends from work, and it wasnt bad loads food to choose from, but the place was a bit cramped and looked like a bit of a canteen, also almost every time i turned to chat to my mate this woman seemed to get up from her chair from the table next to me at the same time and i had a face full of arse, as the tables were that close togethe, but the food was good so i didnt mind

then we went to a couple of pubs, one of which was libertys which ive not been to for years 1, its not changed at all 2, it was all full of teeny popers and there was a punch up, which the last time i went in there was a punch up, so i dont think ill be going in again but i did enjoy flares tho music wasnt bad and the totty wasnt bad

sunday i did sod all realy apart from going to the gym, and gone out for a a couple of pints with me dad, and i watched bottom seen the shows loads of times but i can still laugh at them and my fav 3 episode's are the halloween 1 when richie and eddie had the cattle prod, the episode when they went camping and the gas man episode, but all of the bottom series are great ah and the episode when eddie tryed to show richie how to play chess that was an other classic

best get some work done as its nearly time to start locking up, stay safe out there as there as a lot of nutters out there

fit for a king

what a gloomy crappy day it was yesterday, so at lunchtime before i went to work i ended up cooking a nice stake and ale casserole, with some veg and fried pots and it was lovely i can tell yeh, and it set me up for the rest of the day
i think friday is my best day of the week cos its dead quiet at work, get to finish a bit earlyer and its payday, and you dont have to worry about getting up early for work, but i dont have that problem anyway as i work 2-10 shift,
not doing a great deal today pottering abuot on the web, and proberly catching up on a bit of telly, then off out to the big wok 2nite with some mates from work which iam looking forward to, iam going to starve myself all day so iam mega hungery for 2nite, as its one of those eat as much as you want things, anyway iam off to pump some iron and sweat at the gym
see yeh laters and stay safe out there

stil around

iam still around with having no interweb for a few days which ill explain about in a bit rant later and also being busy with other stuff, not relay had chance to post much had loads to say but hey oh that can happen,

at least my flu has all gone now, and my cold has seem to have sorted its self out as well so all good there, i had the bloody bug for just over 3 weeks one min i seemed okay the next i felt crap i didn't know if i was coming or going but seen a lot of other people with this bug as well so NO I DID'NT HAVE MAN FLU if any one asks

also over the weekend while i had no interweb i managed to sort out all my photos I've taken since I've had my digital camera, and i didn't realize how many I've got, so now they are all sorted in there groups and even kind of uploaded onto flicr as well so been quite busy with that

think i might go to bed soon as iam bloody nackered, anyway stay safe out there as there are maduns about


i was standing at the bustop in town for my bus to work this lunchtime, and one side of me there was a bloke who was walking his dog, and the other side of me were 2 women and a couple of kids, the dog was aproching some railings and he took a wee, the 2 women mentioned what a dirty sod the dog was, but what happened next just made me wonder if joe public are realy that dumb,

thw 2 woman and the kids sat almost on top of where the dog had just had a wee, kids running riot around the railing and one of the kids rubbed itself against the wee and the kid went bonkers, if you were a parent would you sit on the railing near to where a dog had just had a wee

stay safe out there as there are nutters and dumb people about everywhere

the weekend

this weekend was a goodun, as sat i went to work with me dad, then sat nite i had a mate round and watch the ruhby, drank a case of larger between us and had some pizza, but i will be watching the rugby final in the pub next saturday tho, as most the locals who drink in there are rugby mad and will be a good nite

sunday i just had a lazy day realy watched a bit of telly not much to say realy, but i needed a lazy day sunday, and si i will come out with yeh one friday nite but been so busy at the mo just not been able to do owt, think iam going to get some dinner ready and go to work

stay safe out there as there are maduns about

weekend of sport

what a good weekend of sport it was, both the england football and rugby teams won and the rugby team are into next weeks final with south africa,

i think next saturdays final will be a tough 1 to be honest, cos england didnt play great or bad they just had a average game against france on sat and looking at the strength and speed of the south african players i think we will struggle a bit,

Looks like nottingham forest has got there season going at last, as they had such a poor start i didnt think they would'nt have much going for them, but it seems the team are playing well now, juat hope they dont fuck it all up like they did last crimbo they were if memory serves me right 12 games unbeaten and top of the table, then through crimbo it all went tits up, had to realy fight to get to the play off's then they lost to yeovil,

but they are 4th in the table with 19 points and a game in hand, they could go top of the table in the next 2 games, so come on forest,

i will comment about f1 in a later post as there is quite a bit to say

for now stay safe out there as they are mad drivers abour women and men included

this pic

i was reading barnze's a while a go about the flying midget and i though the pic was great, i wonder what the little fella is up to nower days

new blog

what a mad few weeks its been, but ive finaly made a new blog, yup ive gone back to blogger cos i wasnt having much luck with changing my wordpress blog, also it was a pain in the arse to post photos and so on

and this blog ive even managed to put a flicr badge on my blog so ill be posting loads more photos, and even the pics of my wrote off car, which ill update you on whats going on there as well

stay safe out there as there are maddrivers around women and men alike

the square

on saturday nite i was sitting in the market square for a while chilling out, one thing ive noticed with this new look market square is the water feature is wide open so anyone can run around in the water,

all fair and good and if its a realy hot day you can just go into the water and cool down which will be realy handy, but iam waiting till some cleaver spark slips over and cracks there head open, what then?

its a wonder no one has already slipped over and hurt themselfs and try to sue nottingham council so far, at least the council could put up a sign or 2 saying enter the water at your own risk,

also fuck know's how the design got chose for the new look market square as i think it dont look that great, but who am i to judge