what a gloomy crappy day it was yesterday, so at lunchtime before i went to work i ended up cooking a nice stake and ale casserole, with some veg and fried pots and it was lovely i can tell yeh, and it set me up for the rest of the day
i think friday is my best day of the week cos its dead quiet at work, get to finish a bit earlyer and its payday, and you dont have to worry about getting up early for work, but i dont have that problem anyway as i work 2-10 shift,
not doing a great deal today pottering abuot on the web, and proberly catching up on a bit of telly, then off out to the big wok 2nite with some mates from work which iam looking forward to, iam going to starve myself all day so iam mega hungery for 2nite, as its one of those eat as much as you want things, anyway iam off to pump some iron and sweat at the gym
see yeh laters and stay safe out there
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