nothing much happening

the weekend seemed to go quick saturday i was working in a corner shop with me dad putting an alarm system in and all the be carefulls from me dad he his clipiing a cable over the counter where the till lotto maching and other gubbins are and he his his nail through a mains water pipe,

lucky for us the indian who owned the shop knew a plummer and he was out within 15 minuets to sort the problem out i can tell yeh it was a bit of panic for half an hour to work out where the main stop cock was but we found it and saved the day

that bit of a water leak could of cost us a small fourtune and we havnt got public lieabilty insurance but we have now, so if any more prolems arise the customer can claim from us no problem, but all the years my dad has been working he has never had any prolems and never needed insurance,

sat nite saw me go out and i got very drunk, and i was quite ill sunday morning in fact i was rough as hell all day, but ive lifed another day to tell the tale of my drunkenss, i was that bad i went to pee in the ladies loo

anyroad iam off home to sort some pics out ive been taking ill most probly post them up here on on my flickr page thingy