makes me mad

was reading dinners post about when he went to the dole office to see if he could sign on, and had no luck as he didnt meet the right criteria what a load of bollox makes me so mad i tryed to sign on once, i was 20 years old at the time and was layed off from work just before crimbo,

i didnt realy want to sign on as i didnt want to be sitting with all those depressed people or the ones who had no intention to work, but me dad said you might as well you worked and payed into the system go and see what you can get, so i did i filled out the forms and they dont half want to know a lot dont they

with my forms all filled in i was told i would hear someting very soon and my money would be back dated so ill not have lost anything after 2 weeks i got a phone call form the dole office asking if someone could come round and check me out and see if i am who i say iam i said okay a coulpe of days later this big black woman came knocking on the door,

she says that she was from the dole office and she came in asked me a couple of questions while she was doing this her attitude changed she was sniffing her nose as in she was looking down at me, she asked me if my parents couldnt give me money to keep me going while i looked for work,

my reaction was disbelive i had to ask her again to repeat what she just asked and when i heard for the 2nd time i went so mad i said no they couldnt as they were only just coping themselfs at the time in my disbelive i froged marched her out of the house got my forms and ripped them up and chucked them at her, i told her to get stuffed and what ever she was babbling on about if i didnt get any money i needed to continue to sign on cos of my national insurance i said get fucked and i didnt hear from them again,

i did take a loan from me dad over crimbo and was lucky to of got a job quite quickly after crimbo, but when you work and payed into the sysem dosent matter of your standard of living you should be intilted to some help just make me so mad that if your honest and hard working you get sod all when you need help and all these tossers who have no intention of work get everyhting,

and if i did know anyone who was claming and working on the side i would grass on them no second thoughts at all as there are also to many people who do that as well, hope you pass your driving instructors course dinners and the rest of you stay safe as theres still madduns around


DILLIGAF said...

Life's a bitch old bean.

See you've got God playing Space Oddity....

Keep the faith mate!

....and we will have that beer!!!!! (or three)

farmer dave said...

well iam off work for 12 from the 23rd of december and ill be free from the 27th so can have a beer anytime from then till 5th of jan

DILLIGAF said...

Ahhhh!!! Right. 3rd or 4th Jan.

I will mail you!