stange dream

last night i had a very strange dream, the dream was set back 2 years ago i'd not long moved back upto nottingham and i'd started seeing this girl who ive know for a while but in real life we were only friends, we also have a friend in real life we both know but in the dream he was a oompa loompa and the dream was a real live everyday kinda situation, but every so often the oompa loompa kepted croping up as for one situation in the dream the girlfriend was showing my dad how to do someting on the computer and all of a sudden we could here the oompa loompa song and up behind the monitor he apeared the loompa song ended and he went away

one other situation in the dream was me and the girlfriend was going camping we were driving down the motorway and again the oompa song started and where the bonet the ommpa apeared singing the song and as soon as the song ended he went, the dream has played on my mind most the day as it was very weired

the dream was well strange as ive not had any wired dreams for quite a while ah well hoping for a normal nites sleep this evening


Skytower said...

Sounds like you need to lay off the wacky baccy...

farmer dave said...

if only matey if i was taking the wacky baccy i would understand why the wired dreams but not had wacky baccy for ages lol

DILLIGAF said...

oompa loompa's???

oh eck....

Dinners will be up this year...eventually...that's a promise.

Dreams have to include young blond girls of 16 and upwards - unless you're Gary Glitter then it can be downwards apparently - they cannot include oompa loompa's.

That is so wrong in so many many ways....;-)