waste of time

dont you hate it when people let you down and you have to rearange all your plans, i was ment to of been going away for the weekend in a couple of weeks time but now iam going to have to rearange my plans to go down another time now, andmy friend could of told me to cancel my plans a couple of weeks ago which made me madder but i suppose ill see everyone in the south east of the country a other time,

other news i think now iam going for a day out next weekend tothe coast i need some sea air not been anywhere as such this year for a day out as the weather hasnt realy been good, ill probly just go to skeggy you may laugh but i like it have me fish and chips and a coupel of beers and enjoy some qulity time to meself, 2010 is going quite well no major dramas things with the girlfreind is going realy well been 6 months now and iam seeing how the next 6 months go, no car problems i dont want any either as last year was a bit of a bitch regarding my car but everything is sorted so i should have a few thousand miles use out of it now before anything realy major needs doing

this weekend ill wash and polish my car as it looks like its been rallying and ill put my amp and speakers in to the car get some good sound coming from it, i used to have me loud speakers and amp in my old car but when i smashed it up i didnt put them in my new car just didnt get round to it, but as ive go a whole weekend off this weekend ill have a go as its not a 10 minuet job but when its done should sound quite good

anyway i best get dressed and get something done as time is cracking on


BBC said...

I sure don't like others messing with my plans or wasting my time but sometimes ya gotta be flexible on this rock.

Sometimes things change for me also and I have to change plans with others.

There’s too many demands on my time. I wuz thinking of driving to Ann Arbor in August to meet 4 Dinners, but I’ll be at the annual Masturbators Anonymous Picnic.

farmer dave said...

what has made me mad is the fact me mate had known he cant make it for 3 weeks now and he has only just let me know a week before the event and i have to let other people down now just a pain in the arse, hope you start blogging again billy i miss your cartoons and what you been upto

BBC said...

I put a post on my projects blog this morning.


DILLIGAF said...

I won't ler yer down next weekend old bean! Guarenteed!!!