one of the things over the last few weeks is cut my drinking down i dont feel i have a major problem as such but i feel i need to do something about it, i dont wake up every morning feeling to get pissed or do i go home thinking i oh boy i need a beer it more than when i do go out for a drink these days i can get through a few,
and when i do go through a few beers i feel like iam another person and not in control of myself, iam not bothered to a certain degree what i do or say to anyone but in the same time iam not totaly lost all my common sence as i know what iam doing and i know that i can get home without crawling on my knees or puking up every moment
iam not realy sure what iam gong to do either totaly stop or cut down even more these last few weeks ive not realy touched beer think the last 3 weeks ive been out to the pub 3 times and thats not like me i can easily go out twice a week no problem, but i have enjoyed stopping in and not getting drunk and doing daft things,
ive caught up on loads of telly and started to watch new programs some times over the last few weeks come 9pm ive been fighting to weather to go out or not fought the feeling than half an hour later the urge to go out has gone and just carryed on watchign was i was on telly, and just enjoyed the one can of beer
only time will tell what i decied to do with my drinking
and when i do go through a few beers i feel like iam another person and not in control of myself, iam not bothered to a certain degree what i do or say to anyone but in the same time iam not totaly lost all my common sence as i know what iam doing and i know that i can get home without crawling on my knees or puking up every moment
iam not realy sure what iam gong to do either totaly stop or cut down even more these last few weeks ive not realy touched beer think the last 3 weeks ive been out to the pub 3 times and thats not like me i can easily go out twice a week no problem, but i have enjoyed stopping in and not getting drunk and doing daft things,
ive caught up on loads of telly and started to watch new programs some times over the last few weeks come 9pm ive been fighting to weather to go out or not fought the feeling than half an hour later the urge to go out has gone and just carryed on watchign was i was on telly, and just enjoyed the one can of beer
only time will tell what i decied to do with my drinking