goose fair and peechykeen formaly big wok

with it being goose fair i did go this year as one ive not been for at least 5 years and with me havign a ladyfriend to take we both decied to go and i went on a couple of rides, yes me going on a couple of rides 2 i enjoyed but after the 2nd i was feeling delicate my ladyfirend asked me to go on the waltzers with her but i wasnt to sure but me being me i went on with her but i didnt enjoy it one bit and i was even more delicate afterwards,

the fair is not the same as it once was you need a mortage to go there realy witih rides costing 2quid upto 10 quid a pop each even hook a duck was 3 quid all the stalls were mainly food stalls its a wonder they could all compete with the amount there was but them must make a quid or 2 as they wouldnt of been there, its much smaller than in previous years and a burger at 3 quid a pop i didnt bother having one but saying that it might of been better than the food at the resturant we went to before the fair

we went to this resturante called peachykeen once called big wok when it was big wok it just sold chineese food and it was great help yourself buffet the amount of times i went in i never had a bad meal but in august this year it closed down saying it was being refubished, its now reopened as one of these resturants which dose a bit of all sorts of food, me myself when they do this kind of thing they never realy work

there is a place in town called red hot which dose the same thing but something isnt right about it, for example you have roast beef and yorkshire puds but nothing to go with it, its all a bit missmatched same with this peechykeen place they have a little bit of chinesse italian and other food but they mainly offer curry,

all well and good but the singage wasnt that good i didnt realy know if the currys on offer were hot mild or very hot there were lots of sauces in jars but i didnt know what they were cos again no signage, the puddings were stored next to the front window on a table we asked one of the waiters what this liquid was and he said its supposed to be jelly i looked at my ladyfriend and both looked with a okay look, i just wasnt inpressed but ill give it anothe go when they have been opened a bit and if still not any good ill not go no more

shame they changed as there was nothing wrong with big wok as the food was good hot and loads of choice of chineese food puddings were in a cooler and cold and i think peechykeen will waste a lot of the puddings as they are not cold, time will just tell if peechykeen will be a sucsess or not