wow how long has it been

cobwebs around here or what its been a year and a half since ive last put a post up on here bluddy hell but am back. Whats happened since ive last been here ? erm where do i start all i can say is iam going to be a dad in july, my life is quite fucked up at the min feel like i want to pack a bag and just fuck off as all i want to do is cule up in bed and stay there but am fighting on as its not about me now my child is soon to be in this big horrid world. I'd thought i had everthing a sexy woman her 2 kids who liked me and who I got on great with and a flick of a switch all took away from me, what a mess thought I had it all planned out talk of setting up a new home with her and her 2 kids plus ours on the way I dont know life hey i will post more on this in coming weeks but i still cant belive how long ive been away.

What else have i done since ive been away ive gone back to college to gain my gcse's which i should complete by time the baby is born early july, I still hate my job i work with a guy who is good at some of his job but makes a easy job very hard and a 10 min job takes 30 and so on drive me mad but i do look forward to the next week when they swap shifts and i have the other chap on who makes a easy job easy and no faffing around.

I still cant believe iam going to be a dad I never thoguht it happen but it is and I guess with the situation with the mother how it now is I just have to make a good job out of a bad situation, I have had some very good friends over the last few weeks who have been there for me and if they wasn't I'd think I'd of done something silly like when i tried a few years ago which again ill post later.

I will be poping by to some of my old haunts as i'd like to get back to blogging properly and get back in touch with some of my blogging friends has anyone heard from four dinners has he got a blog going and if so where is he writing and does he still do his radio show.

well cheerio for now and hope to hear form some of you lot soon