this week ive got in touch with a old school friend through facebook, and he is about the only mate ive not seen siince leaving school, we were quite good mates at the time as well iam meeting him and his wife and 2 kids tomorrow for a bit of lunch and have a catch up
it will be good as there are so many memorys and good times also there are a lot of bad times as well i will post some of my memorys of my school days on here starting with the dawn house riot
my school was a special needs school i had speech and language and learning problems but the school help me with these and now iam almost okay i do still have a bit of a speech problem but not as bad asi was when i was a kid its hardly noticeable now but comes on when iam nervous or when iam trying to speak quicker than i can think
also my school was a boarding school as kids came from all over the counrty and it helped most of us that we could stop all week and come home friday for the weekend and come monday morning back to school for the week, in the evenings we had what we called house parents look after us even tho we had seperate unit block one block for the youner kids and one unit block for the older kids the house parents kept treating us like yound kids
at this time i was being bullyed big time i was telling the teachers about it but nothing was happening, and when i tryed to fight back i could take on 1 of the other kids but when his mate saw me kicking seven bells of shit out of his mate he came to help out and i ended up worse off
well it was getting to fever pitch everyone was uptight with each other and kids picking on each other and was'nt a very nice situation it was a monday morning and i wasnt wanting to go to school cos of the bullying but my mum talked me round to go to school, but by monday evening i was calling home to get picked up as it was to much so my dad came to pick me up and took me home
during the week i had off i was taught the basics of karate and judo came in very handy when i got back to school the following week, so i gets back to school the following monday in class i was hearing whispers of certain older kids baracading themselfs in the senior unit block for almost a week in protest of how the houseparents kept treatng them like kids and not teenagers and i was wanting to know more
so comes 1st break time we were on the field i was chatting to my mates asking what had happened , they told me about 30 kids had gathered enough food for a week and baracaded themselfs in the unit block, while we were chatting what had happened the ring leaders of the bullies came over to me and asked me where i was last week during the riots i told them to mind there own business,
but they wanted a fight once again so a big circle formed around us and they not knowing i could fight better now decieded to show me what for, the 1st kid i blocked his punched time after time and he had a look of pusslement on him, his mate jumped on my back and i chucked him over my back with him supprised and dazed i managed to smack the other kid a few times and by now both ringleaders had enough and ran away i had a few cheers and claps from my mates and it was all over
strange realy as since that fight they was never any more bullying not while i was there and i was kind of top dog, and for the 2 ring leaders i did get round to giving them a good pasting a few times before they left a year later
can tell you loads more about my school days but you'll have to wait for future posts for more
it will be good as there are so many memorys and good times also there are a lot of bad times as well i will post some of my memorys of my school days on here starting with the dawn house riot
my school was a special needs school i had speech and language and learning problems but the school help me with these and now iam almost okay i do still have a bit of a speech problem but not as bad asi was when i was a kid its hardly noticeable now but comes on when iam nervous or when iam trying to speak quicker than i can think
also my school was a boarding school as kids came from all over the counrty and it helped most of us that we could stop all week and come home friday for the weekend and come monday morning back to school for the week, in the evenings we had what we called house parents look after us even tho we had seperate unit block one block for the youner kids and one unit block for the older kids the house parents kept treating us like yound kids
at this time i was being bullyed big time i was telling the teachers about it but nothing was happening, and when i tryed to fight back i could take on 1 of the other kids but when his mate saw me kicking seven bells of shit out of his mate he came to help out and i ended up worse off
well it was getting to fever pitch everyone was uptight with each other and kids picking on each other and was'nt a very nice situation it was a monday morning and i wasnt wanting to go to school cos of the bullying but my mum talked me round to go to school, but by monday evening i was calling home to get picked up as it was to much so my dad came to pick me up and took me home
during the week i had off i was taught the basics of karate and judo came in very handy when i got back to school the following week, so i gets back to school the following monday in class i was hearing whispers of certain older kids baracading themselfs in the senior unit block for almost a week in protest of how the houseparents kept treatng them like kids and not teenagers and i was wanting to know more
so comes 1st break time we were on the field i was chatting to my mates asking what had happened , they told me about 30 kids had gathered enough food for a week and baracaded themselfs in the unit block, while we were chatting what had happened the ring leaders of the bullies came over to me and asked me where i was last week during the riots i told them to mind there own business,
but they wanted a fight once again so a big circle formed around us and they not knowing i could fight better now decieded to show me what for, the 1st kid i blocked his punched time after time and he had a look of pusslement on him, his mate jumped on my back and i chucked him over my back with him supprised and dazed i managed to smack the other kid a few times and by now both ringleaders had enough and ran away i had a few cheers and claps from my mates and it was all over
strange realy as since that fight they was never any more bullying not while i was there and i was kind of top dog, and for the 2 ring leaders i did get round to giving them a good pasting a few times before they left a year later
can tell you loads more about my school days but you'll have to wait for future posts for more