one of the storys in the news ive been following a little bit is the bullying row at downing stree, and its made me smile a little at how the prime minister has a slight temper and how some of his staff has been bullyed i cant realy work out who has been doing the bullying as such as if its gordon brown or other members of staff bullying other staff but with the media how it is they make such a big deal with it,
me myself have been bullyed quite a lot thorogh my life most of it was in my childhood and teens luckily ive not had much problems with work life apart from one or 2 episodes but i have sorted the work related bullying out meself and made the other person look silly rather than use my fists like i used to,
but when i was a child the bullying was quite bad, as ive had speech and language problems i was prime target for other kids to take the piss and for years i had lots of mental tourcher at the hands of them but it idid end when i decied to take matters into my own hands, the only way it ended was when i started to fight as when i told the teachers or houseparents as i was a border at school i got beat up by the other kids as i told on them
i think i was around 13 when it all came to ahead i can remember i didnt want to go to school on the monday as i knew it would be anothe week of hell, and wasnt i right i hadnt been at school for half an hour before i got targeted in the toilets and by tea time that evening i was ringing my parents up to come to pick me up and they did,
i was still being chased around infact it was like i was being hunted the only reason i didnt get a beating was my dad and teachers found me, after a bit of talk my dad took me home andi didnt go back for a week, but during that time my dad and uncle taught me some basics of fighting
my dad was into judo at the time and my uncle was in to karate so they taught me the basics like blocking punches a couple of kicks and towards the end of the week i was fairly confident person,
so monday morning i went back to school unknowing what had happend i noticed things had happened i found out that the senior housing units at school had a mini riot nothing to bad but most of the senior lads had barracaded themselfs in the units and spent the week locked in, what caused this was that the senior lads were fed up with being treated like kids which in a way i understood as we were treated like kids
but the riot had ended smoothly and normal service had resumed, i got to school monday morning and i was hearing things of what happened while i was off, no one had come to pick on me or anything and i was quite suprised and happliy confident it was goign to be a trouble free week, but how wrong was i come morning brerak,
i was surrounded by a lot of the lads and the ringleaded was in the middle of the circle with me he was asking where i had been the last week, after words i told him not to mess with me or else and he said or else what so i launched into him with a couple of flying kicks and a chuck over my shoulder, he was totaly stunned i winded him he couldnt move i think the shock of a kid 2 years younger than him flooring him and the rest of the kids looked in amazement at me
not knowing what to do they looked at me and i looked at them and now i was super confident i was ready for anything, i said who's next 2 of his mates came for me and i managed to floor them as well with this being done the rest of the lads moved along and broke the circle and by this time the teachers had come along to see what the fuss was,
all they saw was 3 lads grovling onthe floor with the wind knocked out of them they asked if anything was wrong and we said nothing was wrong and that was that, i didnt have no more kids at school bully me we took the micky out of each other but thats was the worse of it, i was took to one side later that day by the headmaster and all he said to me was that if he ever saw me in another fight like that again there would be trouble and there wasnt realy had the odd scrapp but nothing to serious
i may post one or 2 more cases of being bullyed as theres quite a few more storys i could tell like i was almost kicked out of college for fighting and almost breaking someones leg but they can be for aother post
me myself have been bullyed quite a lot thorogh my life most of it was in my childhood and teens luckily ive not had much problems with work life apart from one or 2 episodes but i have sorted the work related bullying out meself and made the other person look silly rather than use my fists like i used to,
but when i was a child the bullying was quite bad, as ive had speech and language problems i was prime target for other kids to take the piss and for years i had lots of mental tourcher at the hands of them but it idid end when i decied to take matters into my own hands, the only way it ended was when i started to fight as when i told the teachers or houseparents as i was a border at school i got beat up by the other kids as i told on them
i think i was around 13 when it all came to ahead i can remember i didnt want to go to school on the monday as i knew it would be anothe week of hell, and wasnt i right i hadnt been at school for half an hour before i got targeted in the toilets and by tea time that evening i was ringing my parents up to come to pick me up and they did,
i was still being chased around infact it was like i was being hunted the only reason i didnt get a beating was my dad and teachers found me, after a bit of talk my dad took me home andi didnt go back for a week, but during that time my dad and uncle taught me some basics of fighting
my dad was into judo at the time and my uncle was in to karate so they taught me the basics like blocking punches a couple of kicks and towards the end of the week i was fairly confident person,
so monday morning i went back to school unknowing what had happend i noticed things had happened i found out that the senior housing units at school had a mini riot nothing to bad but most of the senior lads had barracaded themselfs in the units and spent the week locked in, what caused this was that the senior lads were fed up with being treated like kids which in a way i understood as we were treated like kids
but the riot had ended smoothly and normal service had resumed, i got to school monday morning and i was hearing things of what happened while i was off, no one had come to pick on me or anything and i was quite suprised and happliy confident it was goign to be a trouble free week, but how wrong was i come morning brerak,
i was surrounded by a lot of the lads and the ringleaded was in the middle of the circle with me he was asking where i had been the last week, after words i told him not to mess with me or else and he said or else what so i launched into him with a couple of flying kicks and a chuck over my shoulder, he was totaly stunned i winded him he couldnt move i think the shock of a kid 2 years younger than him flooring him and the rest of the kids looked in amazement at me
not knowing what to do they looked at me and i looked at them and now i was super confident i was ready for anything, i said who's next 2 of his mates came for me and i managed to floor them as well with this being done the rest of the lads moved along and broke the circle and by this time the teachers had come along to see what the fuss was,
all they saw was 3 lads grovling onthe floor with the wind knocked out of them they asked if anything was wrong and we said nothing was wrong and that was that, i didnt have no more kids at school bully me we took the micky out of each other but thats was the worse of it, i was took to one side later that day by the headmaster and all he said to me was that if he ever saw me in another fight like that again there would be trouble and there wasnt realy had the odd scrapp but nothing to serious
i may post one or 2 more cases of being bullyed as theres quite a few more storys i could tell like i was almost kicked out of college for fighting and almost breaking someones leg but they can be for aother post