well iam pleased march is almost over with i can tell you its seemed a long hard slog this month i know we have had a busy time at work with lots of events going on but that has been good being busy least work has been chalenging in that way
but ive been down in the dumps with my asthma and fighting some bug for the last couple of weeks which has made me feel like a 80 year old man at times but this last week its took its toll and iam having some bed rest as iam just not getting any better most of the weekend and yesterday was spent at home hardly doing anything apart from sleep and getting up for a drink now and again,
my nose is so red its unreal my mum said i must not be well as i poped round to my parents place for some sunday dinner and after a few mouth fulls i couldnt eat much more shame as it was a realy nice dinner but hey oh iam eating a little more now, ive not had a beer for nearly 2 weeks as just not been in the mood for one see how i go over the weekend if i still not in the mood for a beer it might be the perfect time to give it up hey
one thing ive done it caught up on one of my old fav past times which is watch a film which i used to to more than once a week but just dont seem to have chance these days but sunday iwatched 4 in one day ive got a couple i want to watch today so one thing on this blog ill try and do is a movie review,
righty now the weather has picked up a little better time to go and pick up me drugs the docs gave me yesterday from the chemists have a goodun and stay safe
but ive been down in the dumps with my asthma and fighting some bug for the last couple of weeks which has made me feel like a 80 year old man at times but this last week its took its toll and iam having some bed rest as iam just not getting any better most of the weekend and yesterday was spent at home hardly doing anything apart from sleep and getting up for a drink now and again,
my nose is so red its unreal my mum said i must not be well as i poped round to my parents place for some sunday dinner and after a few mouth fulls i couldnt eat much more shame as it was a realy nice dinner but hey oh iam eating a little more now, ive not had a beer for nearly 2 weeks as just not been in the mood for one see how i go over the weekend if i still not in the mood for a beer it might be the perfect time to give it up hey
one thing ive done it caught up on one of my old fav past times which is watch a film which i used to to more than once a week but just dont seem to have chance these days but sunday iwatched 4 in one day ive got a couple i want to watch today so one thing on this blog ill try and do is a movie review,
righty now the weather has picked up a little better time to go and pick up me drugs the docs gave me yesterday from the chemists have a goodun and stay safe