what a lovely moning it is today and once again ill be on my bike later iam going for a longer cycle to work today as part of my peperations for my cycling holiday iam thinking of doing next year, later this year i would like to attempt to cycle to skeggy which i think i could do no problem in another 2 months time,
iam thinking at this moment of my fitness it would take me around 11 hours as its 80 odd miles away that would make me a average of 10 miles an hour which i could easyily do, last week i cycled 70 miles and that was just to and from work and into town once and twice as iam using my bike a lot more for short journys and when i get more fitter ill cycle farther a field one of the reasons iam doing this cycling is as work is going to start to charge me 350 pounds a year to park my car at work and no way iam not paying that much to park at work when iam not even guarateed a parking space,
ive been on and off cycling to work for the last year now and i can cycle 10 mins quicker than drive to work main reason of me cycling quicker than driving is of the build up of traffic through town they sometimes average 10 miles an hour and i can be anything upto 20 mph so do the sums lol but iam getting fitter and even the cycle home isnt such a chore now as iam getting up carlton hill more hopefully in a nother couple of weeks ill be albe to cycle up all of carlton road as its a big long hill
also this last month my sleeping has seemed to of sorted its self out ive been sleeping quite good not waking up 3 or more times a night and averaging more than 5 hours this weekend i had 20 odd hours stright sleep 10 on sat and 10 on sunday and i think thats helping me as well, so all good at the moment but just wish may will be nicer money wise as like i mentioned in a other post april has been a right bitch,
my drinking has almost become non existent this month i can count the amount of beer ive had on my fingers as ive hardly had anything i have been going to the local to see friends but ive only had a couple of soft drinks then at the end of the eve ive just had 1 beer and ive been feeling loads better my friends find it strange not to see me drink but iam happy not to drink loads of beer and feel rough next morning,
i did think about totaly stopping drinking earlyer in the year but i do like a beer every so often and i thought if i limit my drinking down i can still enjoy a beer without drinking a load which ive been doing the last coupe of months like last night i got home from work and went on call of duty and just had 1 can and realy enjoyed it
anyway enough of me going on its a nice morning and iam off for a cycle before work have a goodun and stay safe
iam thinking at this moment of my fitness it would take me around 11 hours as its 80 odd miles away that would make me a average of 10 miles an hour which i could easyily do, last week i cycled 70 miles and that was just to and from work and into town once and twice as iam using my bike a lot more for short journys and when i get more fitter ill cycle farther a field one of the reasons iam doing this cycling is as work is going to start to charge me 350 pounds a year to park my car at work and no way iam not paying that much to park at work when iam not even guarateed a parking space,
ive been on and off cycling to work for the last year now and i can cycle 10 mins quicker than drive to work main reason of me cycling quicker than driving is of the build up of traffic through town they sometimes average 10 miles an hour and i can be anything upto 20 mph so do the sums lol but iam getting fitter and even the cycle home isnt such a chore now as iam getting up carlton hill more hopefully in a nother couple of weeks ill be albe to cycle up all of carlton road as its a big long hill
also this last month my sleeping has seemed to of sorted its self out ive been sleeping quite good not waking up 3 or more times a night and averaging more than 5 hours this weekend i had 20 odd hours stright sleep 10 on sat and 10 on sunday and i think thats helping me as well, so all good at the moment but just wish may will be nicer money wise as like i mentioned in a other post april has been a right bitch,
my drinking has almost become non existent this month i can count the amount of beer ive had on my fingers as ive hardly had anything i have been going to the local to see friends but ive only had a couple of soft drinks then at the end of the eve ive just had 1 beer and ive been feeling loads better my friends find it strange not to see me drink but iam happy not to drink loads of beer and feel rough next morning,
i did think about totaly stopping drinking earlyer in the year but i do like a beer every so often and i thought if i limit my drinking down i can still enjoy a beer without drinking a load which ive been doing the last coupe of months like last night i got home from work and went on call of duty and just had 1 can and realy enjoyed it
anyway enough of me going on its a nice morning and iam off for a cycle before work have a goodun and stay safe