back in carlton

What a few busy days it has been again the move went okay handed my keys back to the lanlord the place was left clean and tidy so should get all my deposit back which will go towards my next place in a few months time. Its weired being back at my mates place but been good for the company his 2 dogs have been good fun to.

I can't believe how quick my week off went but feel sad that even tho my days were busy come evening I didnt have 1 friend I could call to go round for a cuppa quite sad really but I am getting used to the idea of doing stuff on my own and spending time on my own to, I went out Friday night by myself which I did enjoy and made one or two friends and looking forward to getting out and about a bit more now I know it is not so daunting being the only person on my own.

My emotions are still all over the place on a whole I am feeling possitive about stuff but I do have my moments and at the moment all I want to do is pack a bag and fuck off but if I do that ill lose every chance of being a dad to my child and also if I run away ill not be sorting out what is bothering me.

I am making changes in my life some of my friends know what they are and some don't and at the moment thats how its going to be but for the first time ever I am going to do what makes me happy and not worry about everyone else. I know I have said this before to certain friends but I have supressed my feelings to long now  but now I feel strong enough to make the changes to make my self happy and if certain people do not like it tough luck.

well enough of me for now best get on