have been driving round nottingham the last couple of days and suprised how many pubs are either boarded up or have to let signs on, one question ill ask now is WHAT IS HAPPENING TO OUR LOCAL PUBS????
well one answer is well the cost of living these days as its going up and up and our wages arnt we cant spent on luxarys like we once could, also the cost of a pint i could once go out about 10pm every night for a couple of pints iam now lucky if i can go out 3 times a week and if your a couple the cost is even more,
last monday i was waiting in town for my bus so went into the turf taven as ive not been in for ages and wondered what it's like these days its changed into a rock pub nothing fancey, i asked for a pint to tetleys smooth and what came out of the pump wasnt a smooth pint at all but a very wishy washy pint so i asked him if he could pull another pint off and he did and the same thing happened a very watery wishy washy pint
i asked if i could have a pint of cider instead he said yeh still the same price as the bitter which was 3 quid, quite expensive i'd thoguht and got my cider sat down and a bloke and his bird came in and asked for 2 pints, and that was 6 quid so 4 pints comes to 24 quid a expsenive nite out hey
think now people dont come out as much is cos of peoples drinking habbits have changed women used to drink mainly halfs or beer or something of the like, now its a pint of beer or a large glass of wine that can in some pubs be a quite expesnive round these days
so if a couple have 4 drinks at 20 quid and if that couple once went out more than once or twice a week that 20 quid can turn into 60 or 80 quid a week on justbeer and most peiople cant afford that these days on beer,
its a shame to see the local boozer goign down the pan i went out for a couple of pints the other sunday with me dad and and he was amazed that a couple of pubs he went in have been boarded up or shut early as no one came into the pub, and if there is a local its been bolloxed by being turned into a resturant
just like the bell in town thats been a bit bolloxed they have done a goodish job of doing the pub up but you can now eat in every room of the pub, as in the good old days of the bell you could go in to the side rooms have a quite pint read of the paper or a chinwag with yeh mates now you'll have people eating round you, i dont know maybe iam being old fashioned and not changing with the times of the moden age or something
the local pub will soon be a thing of the past andyes some local pubs are a bit rough but its a bit of carater ive seen 2 local pubs bolloxed by going all modern and new and the toby jug is being took over by weatherspoons and they have got the co-op next to it so that will be one big boozer may be a good thing justhave to see
well one answer is well the cost of living these days as its going up and up and our wages arnt we cant spent on luxarys like we once could, also the cost of a pint i could once go out about 10pm every night for a couple of pints iam now lucky if i can go out 3 times a week and if your a couple the cost is even more,
last monday i was waiting in town for my bus so went into the turf taven as ive not been in for ages and wondered what it's like these days its changed into a rock pub nothing fancey, i asked for a pint to tetleys smooth and what came out of the pump wasnt a smooth pint at all but a very wishy washy pint so i asked him if he could pull another pint off and he did and the same thing happened a very watery wishy washy pint
i asked if i could have a pint of cider instead he said yeh still the same price as the bitter which was 3 quid, quite expensive i'd thoguht and got my cider sat down and a bloke and his bird came in and asked for 2 pints, and that was 6 quid so 4 pints comes to 24 quid a expsenive nite out hey
think now people dont come out as much is cos of peoples drinking habbits have changed women used to drink mainly halfs or beer or something of the like, now its a pint of beer or a large glass of wine that can in some pubs be a quite expesnive round these days
so if a couple have 4 drinks at 20 quid and if that couple once went out more than once or twice a week that 20 quid can turn into 60 or 80 quid a week on justbeer and most peiople cant afford that these days on beer,
its a shame to see the local boozer goign down the pan i went out for a couple of pints the other sunday with me dad and and he was amazed that a couple of pubs he went in have been boarded up or shut early as no one came into the pub, and if there is a local its been bolloxed by being turned into a resturant
just like the bell in town thats been a bit bolloxed they have done a goodish job of doing the pub up but you can now eat in every room of the pub, as in the good old days of the bell you could go in to the side rooms have a quite pint read of the paper or a chinwag with yeh mates now you'll have people eating round you, i dont know maybe iam being old fashioned and not changing with the times of the moden age or something
the local pub will soon be a thing of the past andyes some local pubs are a bit rough but its a bit of carater ive seen 2 local pubs bolloxed by going all modern and new and the toby jug is being took over by weatherspoons and they have got the co-op next to it so that will be one big boozer may be a good thing justhave to see