
ive only had my new car for only a week and my clutch has gone noticed it didnt feel quite right when i brought the car but the chap at the garage who i brought it from mentioned drive it about and any problems just bring it back,

last night while driving home the clutch felt not right at all and i smelted something burning lucky realy as i'd just pulled up outside home and my dad confermed my suspisions that it was the clutch

so took it back to the garage this morning the garage said leave it with us and we'll phone you back when we have done, it and not only 30 mins ago i got a call saying my car is ready to be picked up,

so iam quite inpressed with the service that ive had from the garage and most likely to be using them for future mot's and other bits of work that i cant do myself and for even more bouns points ive had a few friends from my local pub recomend the garage as well

8 year old boy steals dumper truck

i was reading in the paper just now about a 8 year old kid stealing a dumper truck left outside a house which is having ongoing work done on it,

when the police finaly caught up with him they could not do anything to him as he was 2 years to young to be punished,

this next bit of the story made me laugh, Ribble Valley MP Nigel Evans said: “Eight-year-olds should be playing with Corgi cars, not stealing real cars.”

And Michelle Elliott of children’s charity Kidscape said: “He may have been copying a scene from a video game.”

The mp chap is kind of right on the mark? but the silly cow from the children's charity is living on another planet by saying a video game could be to blame

ive been playing computer games since i was a kid ive not pinched a car or even a dumper truck or have i killed other people,

i think the parent should have a right to give there kids a good hiding every now and again to show them right from wrong or even better bring back the berch or the whip that will give out kids of today something to think about hey

what do you think? stay safe as you could get run over by a 8 yearold kid ona rampage

1st big drive

ive had my new car since wednesday and so far iam quite inpressed, and untill yesterday ive not done any long journeys in a car which ive drove so i went to chelmsford yesterday to see some mates and had a nite out in london which ill write in another post, the drive went realy well a very nice smooth ride,

i should'nt realy be saying this but it had the power to race boy racers and quite happly do a 100mph quite easy, but as it was my 1at bigish drive since last august i just took it at a steady 70-75 mph while i was getting used to motorway driving again whichi must say i saw a couple of hairy moments when other drivers came a bit to close to me and made me a bit nervous but apart from that i was quite happy,

now i just need to valet the car and sort out a couple of small scratches on the paint work sort out a hands free phone kit which ive seen one but need to safe a bit of money again now, asi ve spent nearly 2000 quid this week onthe car ie insurance tax a new sound system i just need some better speakers as the factory fitted ones now sound a bit naff and also need to sort a roof rack and ill need to look into getting something that i can attach my bike to the car as well

probly this time next month all the little bits will be done also ive got to phone the insurance people up as they still havent settled the claim out for my accident last august whcih iam going to write a very shitty letter to and let them know what i think of them

iam of for a bit of shut eye and stay safe out there


well ive only been driving my own car again for 2 days and all i can say at the moment is there are some fucking numptys out there, when your at a island and your turning left what do you do? use your left indicator

when your going to pull over to the side of the road to stop what do you do? use your indicator to tell other drivers what your doing rarther than just come to a full stop and i end up giving the other numpty driver the finger and a few chosen swear words

when your driving towards a zebra crossing and the lights are red what do you do? you fucking well stop and let people cross then you can carry on with your journey not just carry on driving through them and almost knocking some poor cunt over

and even the simpest of things when your changing lanes what do you do? look in your mirrors indicate then pull over to the chosen lane not just fucking pull over as and when you feel like it and nearly crashing into me or any other poor sod

i dont know drivers today just dont give a fuck and people wonder why there are so mant accidents on our roads today, and if the cops catch an unisured driver they should cut his balls off and 1 finger and 1 year in jail, if he is caught again chop 2 more fingers off and 1 toe and give the cunt 2 years in jail, iam sure this punishment would make people think not to drive with no liecence or insurance hey what do you think???

stay safe out there as theres some madduns about SORRY A LOT OF MADDUNS ABOUT

now a car owner once again

well after what has seemed like ages ive got a new car, but let me tell you it was a mine field looking for a new car i wanted another mondeo as my last one was great easy to work on and everything i wanted for a car, but with the buget i had all i could afford was upto a x reg and in the mondeo range the mileage was either realy high or the price was to high for the age of the car

so in the end me and my dad started to look at different cars and in the end ive landed myself a nice dark red renult laguna x reg 2 liter top of the range and with me driving my dads car since last august ive forgotten how much more power a 2 liter has from a 1.4 liter car, i took the car for a test drive yesterday morning i just thought wow was well happy with the car,

the car needed a couple of little things sorting out which along with a full sercice and mot it was all in the price of what they wanted for the car so i cant grumble which means at least a years trouble free motoring all ive realy got to do is give it a vallet and put my sound system in to the car, so iam going to pick the car up tomorrow morning as ive had a phone call from the garage 30 mins ago telling me the car was all ready to roll

the insurance is another 100 quid more than my mondeo but iam quite happy with that as it is a newer car and a few more things to play with in the new car so ill just see how it goes hope no cunt crashes into me hey

ill post a couple of pics later this week, have a goodun and stay safe out there

muppets arse cunts and twats

what is it with people these days are they just plan thick or just cant be arse to think about what they do, today i was cycling to work and through town i was walking with my bike pass boots now with the bridge works the pavement have been railed off so you have a smaller pavement,

heres me walking very slowly behind this woman infact she was starting to get on me nervous, then all of a sudden she came to a full stop got a fag out and lighting the thing,

i ends up bumping into her as i couldnt walk past her as other people were coming the other way she gave me a look and all i said was well you should of looked around you before you stoped in the middle of the pavement then the bloke behind me shouted silly cow that just made me laugh

while this was going on i still couldnt pass her as the pavement was so much samller and other people were still coming the other way she did move on much quicker now and she was still trying to light said fag but with not much luck

i thoguht when at the traffic lights and the red man was lit up you were suppose to wait till all traffic had stoped the red man turned to green then cross ? iam i right

well most numptys dont seem to do that these days, after the thing with the woman i came to the traffic lights oppisit burger king in town heres me seeing a bus come hurdling down the road and iam waiting for the lights to turn red and for the green man to come on then cross,

but people just walking across the road as if to say what the fuck by now the bus driver was beeping his horn and one bunch of people were just giving the driver the finger and other people were just giving the driver the dirty look

what is it these days dont people give a fuck about the rules they could just save your life but then again most people just seem muppets and dont give a toss

when iam on my bike and someone is crossing the road and its my right of way i just aim for said person i almost got one bugger the other night but he decied to run out of my way at the last minuet, i know iam going to get some cunt one day and when i do ill just say well they should of waited for the green man

have a goodun and stay safe

you cant say that but i already have

what a crappy weekend weather wise but had note planned as i was at work with me dad saturday then sunday i just watched a load of telly, i had a thursday and friday off work and friday i went into town for a couple of drinks with a couple of old drinking mates,

we had a few beers and by half 4 and i was a bit drunk and we was in burger king which i must say is a lot better than mc sodding donnalds, anyway was sitting at the table eating our food and 4 girls came in 3 of them were okay looking and the 4th one was ugly as fuck i mean she was a minger, with me being a bit drunk 1 i was braver than normal 2 i didnt realy give a damm but i couldnt stop glaring at this ugly girl and she came over to ask me what i was looking at i was a bit suprised as i dont normaly get that! a person coming over to me asking what iam looking at,

so with no thoguht at all i mentioned that i couldnt believe how ugly you are, her face just turned one of my mates pissed out laughing and spat his burger our as he was laughing so hard as what i just said, and my other mates just began to laugh, this girls started to say to me you cant say that and before i could answer one of my mates shouted to her he just has you silly moo just live with it

she started to go off on one by now and by now her friends joined her asking what the problem was i explaned and her friends didnt seem very happy with the explanation but they started to drag her away and my mates wasnt helping as they were still pissing themselfs with calling her a ugly

nothing else came of the burger king outing and quite lucky realy as it could of turned quite nasty, we just carryed on with our afternoons drinking session and we were still was laughing about the ugly girl thing yesterday eve at the local pub

ah well suppose i best get some work done, stay safe you lot and have a goddun

april fool

how the year has passed so quickly so far hey, and ive noticed the lighter nights already since we have put the clocks forward, as when iam going to lock the buildings up at work its nice to walk around with it still being light and ive notice my mood is a lot better hope to be off camping by the end of the month if weather permits

anyway this april fools thing ive never realy done anything on the day its self but once when i was at school there was this teacher who had a 3 wheeler car or most will say a plastic pig and me and one of my best mates at the time who isnt now after i broke his nose which could be another post decied to move her plasic pig

so we lifts the car up as it was quite light and moved it from the car park to behind the bike sheds, you got to bear in mind my school was a bit differnt from some as it was kind of a special needs school which was also boarding school as well, so we had loads of land and a big sodding field ,

so with deed done me and my mate went back to class after dinner break and carryed on with our lessons, come end of the day we were dead excited as we wanted to see our teachers face when she saw her car wasnt there, well the look on her face was bemusment at 1st then went to anger than what the fuck look

me and my mate saw a couple of more teachers come over to her and saw they were all talking to themselves and by this time me and my mate were in the mini bus waiting for the driver to take us home and were pissing ourselfs laughing, she did find her plasic pig after a hours walk around the school gournds and she only found out who had moved her beloved pig when she reitred about 18 years later

remember this was 1991 and i was 15 years old, me and my mate did move her pig a few more times before we both left in 1992 and yes we did get caught by one of the other teachers but he couldnt believe it and that it was us he laughed at himself for a whole week just suddenly busting into laughter when he saw the other teacher looking pissed off that she had to keep finding her beloved pig

our teacher was great he didnt tell anyone not till the said teacher was due to retire and they had a special asmebly for her that he brought up the subject of her pig being moved she did give me a telling off when i went to my old school last year but she saw the funny side of it