well i poped to tescos on the way home last night 1st time ive been back since i was refused beer last year, i was amazed in how many teenagers were larking around the main entrance getting in the way of cars and shoppers the main danger was the kids on the bikes doing stunts with no regard of anyone or thing aroung them,
as i walked towards the main entrance i saw the secruity guard trying to encruage the kids to get lost and when was entering the shop i didnt have much hope of him getting rid of the kids but when i did my shop and on my way out i was suprised to see the kids had gone and he was smiling, he quite pollitly said eveing and me in return ended up having a 5 min convo with him one of our convos was that how i couldnt do his job as i wouldnt have the patience
he said he finds it hard at times but he just bits his lip and gets on with it, and i quite admired him ina way doing at times a realy shitty job as working as a shops security guard you get loads of shitty attitude from people but then again you'll get just as many people who are okay, but i still dont think i could do that job, also there is a tescos express on top of carlton hill which is a couple of minuets walk if that from where i liveand when iam walking past in the eveing the guard there looks so board and fed up i saw him last night while driving past he looked very fed up,
think this not working in a shop supermarket came from when i was a kid my school offered me work experience and the only thing they offered us was working at the local tescos, back then i had bigger ideas of what i wanted to do my dream job was to be a camra man for somewhere like the bbc or itv, so my parents tryed to get me in to central studios but they at the time wasnt taking any work experince people on, so in the end i stopped at school doing my school work while everyone did there work experince,
my teachers wasnt to inpressed but i was adiment i wasnt going to waste 2 weeks working for nothing in a supermaket, and to this day ive not worked in a shop or supermarket i was very near before i worked at the uni but i got the offer of the uni first, if i had to of taken that job at the supermarket i would of been happy to of stacked shelvs or behind the scences but i would never ever work on the checkouts or behind any of the counters i would be sick to death of asking peoiple for there club cards or if they wanted cash back everytime someone payed by there debit card
ive always had the thinking if you wanted cashback you'll ask theperson for it rather than to be asked, oh well talking of work i best get back to some as iam doing a 16 hour shift today have a goodun and stay safe
as i walked towards the main entrance i saw the secruity guard trying to encruage the kids to get lost and when was entering the shop i didnt have much hope of him getting rid of the kids but when i did my shop and on my way out i was suprised to see the kids had gone and he was smiling, he quite pollitly said eveing and me in return ended up having a 5 min convo with him one of our convos was that how i couldnt do his job as i wouldnt have the patience
he said he finds it hard at times but he just bits his lip and gets on with it, and i quite admired him ina way doing at times a realy shitty job as working as a shops security guard you get loads of shitty attitude from people but then again you'll get just as many people who are okay, but i still dont think i could do that job, also there is a tescos express on top of carlton hill which is a couple of minuets walk if that from where i liveand when iam walking past in the eveing the guard there looks so board and fed up i saw him last night while driving past he looked very fed up,
think this not working in a shop supermarket came from when i was a kid my school offered me work experience and the only thing they offered us was working at the local tescos, back then i had bigger ideas of what i wanted to do my dream job was to be a camra man for somewhere like the bbc or itv, so my parents tryed to get me in to central studios but they at the time wasnt taking any work experince people on, so in the end i stopped at school doing my school work while everyone did there work experince,
my teachers wasnt to inpressed but i was adiment i wasnt going to waste 2 weeks working for nothing in a supermaket, and to this day ive not worked in a shop or supermarket i was very near before i worked at the uni but i got the offer of the uni first, if i had to of taken that job at the supermarket i would of been happy to of stacked shelvs or behind the scences but i would never ever work on the checkouts or behind any of the counters i would be sick to death of asking peoiple for there club cards or if they wanted cash back everytime someone payed by there debit card
ive always had the thinking if you wanted cashback you'll ask theperson for it rather than to be asked, oh well talking of work i best get back to some as iam doing a 16 hour shift today have a goodun and stay safe