well i was going to post something earlyer but forgot what i was goign to write about, ah well now iam in the mood for writing ill just babble
crimbo what a load of old crap in a way, i was looking forward to some time off work and almost do sod all but its been a bit crap, the pubs have been totaly packed out ie crimbo eve and the inportant days over crimbo and new year so whats the piont of queing for ages for a pint in a packed pub???? being at home has been a bit of a pian me mum has been ill coughing her guts up and it getting on everyones nervous and causing arguments
telly has been crap once again its been freezing cold so next year iam thinking sod it iam saving up to go away next crimbo for 2 whole weeks going to get somewhere nice and warm all inclusive food all in drinks all in and it'll be happy days thing whats not helped this year is the cooker being fucked the oven keeps cutting out so thats caused arguments with the parents and sister if it was me on me own i probly would have spag bolw and garlic bread for crimbo dinner to be honest
and for new year iam going to be in chelmsford for about 3 days least ill have some peace and quiet from the madness might even have new years day at southend who knows but one thing i do know next crimbo will be a totaly different
have a goodun all and stay safe and warm hey
crimbo what a load of old crap in a way, i was looking forward to some time off work and almost do sod all but its been a bit crap, the pubs have been totaly packed out ie crimbo eve and the inportant days over crimbo and new year so whats the piont of queing for ages for a pint in a packed pub???? being at home has been a bit of a pian me mum has been ill coughing her guts up and it getting on everyones nervous and causing arguments
telly has been crap once again its been freezing cold so next year iam thinking sod it iam saving up to go away next crimbo for 2 whole weeks going to get somewhere nice and warm all inclusive food all in drinks all in and it'll be happy days thing whats not helped this year is the cooker being fucked the oven keeps cutting out so thats caused arguments with the parents and sister if it was me on me own i probly would have spag bolw and garlic bread for crimbo dinner to be honest
and for new year iam going to be in chelmsford for about 3 days least ill have some peace and quiet from the madness might even have new years day at southend who knows but one thing i do know next crimbo will be a totaly different
have a goodun all and stay safe and warm hey